About the Game
Game of Dice is an online boardgame where the characters are loosely based on the fantasy novel by George R.R. Martins A song of Ice and Fire as well as the world famous tv show inspiered by the same book Game of Thrones.
How to Play
This game is an online version of the traditional board game. You roll the dice and move your pieces until one of the payers reaches the end of the board. The first player to reach the end wins! The game is easy to play just follow these three simple steps:
1. Choose your character and your opponent
Choose who to play from a set of ten characters. When you have decided who you are going to play you select a second character to be your opponent.
2. Roll the dice
Click the button to roll the dice. The display will show you what you have rolled and where you are in the game. You will also see the same information for your opponent.
3. Keep rolling till one of you reaches the end of the board
We play for fun, but someone has to be the winner! The first one to reach the end of the board wins. Have any more questions or trouble playing the game contact the developer here!